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View your friends' birthdays in Google Calendar


Orkut Binds Google Calender with the friends birthday on a easy click.

If you are a regular Google Calendar user this update is very useful for reminding you, your friends birthdays.

An update from Orkut now allows you to add your Orkut friends birthdays in Google Calendar. You would find a link below the "Upcoming "Birthdays" section. Just click it and add.

Just noticed on Orkut’s upcoming birthday section a link saying - “view your friends’ birthdays in Google Calendar”

There are few advantages of this integration because Google Calender
1. Can send birthday reminder via SMS/Email
2. Can be synced with other services/softwares like outlook on Windows, iCal on Mac, etc.
3. Have official API which can be used to develop third-party applications

There may be more to it! Let us know, if you can figure it out!


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